• Today, the Swiss Federal Court issued an arrest warrant for Rifaat al-Assad, the former Syrian vice president and current uncle.
    We worked on this file with our partners in TRIAL International ten years ago. Thanks to the lawyers and officials of TRIAL International, and a big thank you to the victims and witnesses who did not back down and were not afraid.
    Inevitably, this arrest warrant came late, but it is certainly an assurance that justice will come as long as there are those who demand it. And an assurance to the criminals that there is no impunity and that they will not have a safe place except in the dark holes
    Trail organization statement:
    Today, the Swiss Federal Court issued an arrest warrant for Rifaat al-Assad, the former Syrian vice president and current uncle. We worked on this file with our partners in TRIAL International ten years ago. Thanks to the lawyers and officials of TRIAL International, and a big thank you to the victims and witnesses who did not back down and were not afraid. Inevitably, this arrest warrant came late, but it is certainly an assurance that justice will come as long as there are those who demand it. And an assurance to the criminals that there is no impunity and that they will not have a safe place except in the dark holes Trail organization statement:
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  • There is no impunity for war criminals

    We invite you to cover the court ruling against a person accused of having committed a war
    crime in Yarmouk, Syria.

    The Berlin Regional Court (located in: Elßholzstraße 30-33, 10781 Berlin) determined Thursday (the 23 of February 2023 at 12:00 CET) as the date for pronouncing the verdict against the accused Mouafak Al D.

    The accused was previously arrested on 4 August 2021 based on witness testimonies and other evidence collected by the Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research.

    The German Prosecutor (Generalbundesanwalt) issued an indictment against Mouafak D. and referred him to court on the 15th of April 2022. The German prosecutor accused Mouafak D. of firing a grenade at a group of civilians who were gathering to receive food boxes from UNRWA, killing at least 7 civilians and wounding 30 civilians.

    The first court hearing began on the 25th of August 2022. during 30 sessions, the court listened to the testimonies of the plaintiffs, witnesses, the defence witnesses, expert witnesses, in addition to the plaintiff's claims and the defenses of the accused.

    For more information about the court's hearings, please visit the center’s website: https://sl-center.org/archives/category/أخبار-المحاكمات/محكمة-برلين

    “Time does not eliminate war crimes and crimes against humanity”

    “There is no peace without justice”
    There is no impunity for war criminals We invite you to cover the court ruling against a person accused of having committed a war crime in Yarmouk, Syria. The Berlin Regional Court (located in: Elßholzstraße 30-33, 10781 Berlin) determined Thursday (the 23 of February 2023 at 12:00 CET) as the date for pronouncing the verdict against the accused Mouafak Al D. The accused was previously arrested on 4 August 2021 based on witness testimonies and other evidence collected by the Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research. The German Prosecutor (Generalbundesanwalt) issued an indictment against Mouafak D. and referred him to court on the 15th of April 2022. The German prosecutor accused Mouafak D. of firing a grenade at a group of civilians who were gathering to receive food boxes from UNRWA, killing at least 7 civilians and wounding 30 civilians. The first court hearing began on the 25th of August 2022. during 30 sessions, the court listened to the testimonies of the plaintiffs, witnesses, the defence witnesses, expert witnesses, in addition to the plaintiff's claims and the defenses of the accused. For more information about the court's hearings, please visit the center’s website: https://sl-center.org/archives/category/أخبار-المحاكمات/محكمة-برلين “Time does not eliminate war crimes and crimes against humanity” “There is no peace without justice”
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  • A new public trial for war criminals in Syria The public trial of the accused will begin on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at the Berlin Regional Court at Turmstrassr 91 Berlin 10559. The accused will appear before the court to confront him with the charges against him and respond to them
    The Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research, which contributed to building the file and the arrival of witnesses and evidence to the Public Prosecutor, will be its president, lawyer Anwar Al-Bunni, the first witness to be called by the court, to give his testimony before the court as an expert on Friday, August 26, 2022.
    Scheduled upcoming sessions to hear the victims and witnesses. The center will document the sessions and publish them on time.
    The accused had previously been arrested on August 4, 2021, and the Public Prosecution charged him with seven counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, and three cases of grievous bodily harm. On April 4, 2022, his file was referred to the court in Berlin.
    On March 23, 2014, Mowaffak. D fired a shell from an anti-tank weapon RBJ on a crowd of civilians in Regie Square in Damascus (Syria). Civilians from the Yarmouk neighborhood were waiting for food parcels to be distributed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees "UNRWA". At least seven people were killed in the attack. At least three other people, including a six-year-old child, were seriously injured.
    The accused was a member of the Free Palestine Movement at the time of the crime. He was a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command. These armed militias took control of The Yarmouk camp. On behalf of the Syrian regime, the Syrian regime closed the area that was originally a Palestinian refugee camp. As a result, the residents of Yarmouk suffered from shortages of food, water, and medical supplies.
    A big regards to the victims and witnesses
    A new public trial for war criminals in Syria The public trial of the accused will begin on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at the Berlin Regional Court at Turmstrassr 91 Berlin 10559. The accused will appear before the court to confront him with the charges against him and respond to them The Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research, which contributed to building the file and the arrival of witnesses and evidence to the Public Prosecutor, will be its president, lawyer Anwar Al-Bunni, the first witness to be called by the court, to give his testimony before the court as an expert on Friday, August 26, 2022. Scheduled upcoming sessions to hear the victims and witnesses. The center will document the sessions and publish them on time. The accused had previously been arrested on August 4, 2021, and the Public Prosecution charged him with seven counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, and three cases of grievous bodily harm. On April 4, 2022, his file was referred to the court in Berlin. On March 23, 2014, Mowaffak. D fired a shell from an anti-tank weapon RBJ on a crowd of civilians in Regie Square in Damascus (Syria). Civilians from the Yarmouk neighborhood were waiting for food parcels to be distributed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees "UNRWA". At least seven people were killed in the attack. At least three other people, including a six-year-old child, were seriously injured. The accused was a member of the Free Palestine Movement at the time of the crime. He was a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command. These armed militias took control of The Yarmouk camp. On behalf of the Syrian regime, the Syrian regime closed the area that was originally a Palestinian refugee camp. As a result, the residents of Yarmouk suffered from shortages of food, water, and medical supplies. A big regards to the victims and witnesses #No_Impunity
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